Monday, June 6, 2011

WWDC 2011: iOS 5 Cuts Cord, Lion only $29 & iCloud Free! As anticipated, Apple unveiled major software updates in the form of Mac OS X Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Snapbucket First App with Customizable Photo Filters AppCraver

Snapbucket First App with Customizable Photo Filters AppCraver

With more than 100 million users, the photo sharing behemoth Photobucket is more than slightly a success and rightly so for many reasons. Fresh off its 2011 Appy Award for “Best Photography App” for its Android port of its Photobucket mobile companion, the company isn’t resting on its laurels. Available today from Photobucket is Snapbucket, its newest venture that is much more than just a photo filter app.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

NBA JAM HD for iPad is on Fire - BOOMSHAKALAKA AppCraver

NBA JAM HD for iPad is on Fire - BOOMSHAKALAKA AppCraver

My battle is with NBA JAM, the greatest action-packed basketball game of all time. The amount of hours I spent boomshakalakaing while heating up and anticipating hearing those sweet, sweet words “He’s on Fire!” is second only to the amount of time I now spend on my iPad.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Canon EOS D60 Battery Pack for $39

Save $230 on a Canon EOS 60D battery grip by buying on Amazon at (High Quality Battery Grip BG-E9 for Canon 60D Digital SLR DSLR Camera! for $39.95).

Thursday, March 24, 2011

iPhone App Review: Runmeter - Sci/Tech - Blogcritics

iPhone App Review: Runmeter - Sci/Tech - Blogcritics

In conclusion, I can honestly say that this app is my favorite app on my iPhone. So far, I've put Runmeter through 23 days of training, 20.46 miles of cement, trail, mud, rain and wind, have powered a total of 49.98 TV's, saved a total of 1.08 gallons of gas and burned 13.41 donuts. Better yet, I intend to continue abusing Runmeter as it is now my go-to running companion.

iStoryTime and Yoplait Kids Join Forces for Six Free iPad Storybooks

iStoryTime and Yoplait Kids Join Forces for Six Free iPad Storybooks

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rose Bak Pacific Rim One-Day Race Report


Make sure to stop by her page and leave her a comment! I also posted about it on my blog and you should share it as well!‪‬

"Pacific Rim One-Day Race Report
You may be wondering what it would feel like to run and walk 62.2 miles over 23 hours. I don't know how it feels for others, but the best way I can describe how it felt for me is this: imagine having all the blood drained out of your body, battery acid thrown on your feet and then someone running over you with a truck, backing up, and running over you again. Then imagine feeling ecstatically happy and proud, like it was one of the best things you've ever experienced. That's how I felt after completing the Pacific Rim 24-Hour Race."


Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 21 | Running with Baby Jogger - The sun poked through for a nice run with my baby girl Kaylin in her jogger. Gotta love the jogger. Make sure to push the pin in on the front wheel so it's stationary... it makes for a bumpy ride if you forget! :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 20 | Four Hour Marathon Training - Day 20 of my sub four hour marathon training program has finally come! I've been under dentist orders not to exert myself so I don't screw up my tender pulled tooth area... not sure why, but oh well.

Also, I have a book recommendation that came by way of called "Runner's World Run Less, Run Faster" which I'm assuming will be a great book! And buy the book here:

Check out Jagerman's blog here:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 15 | Four Hour Marathon Training

Day 15 of my 4 hour marathon training taught me a few things about myself... one, need to lose a few pounds and two... I should not wear my old shoes... hurts the legs.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 12 | Four Hour Marathon Training

Raining is a funny thing... I hate it, but I also love it. It was a challenge to run today, but whatever, I went out anyway. I look forward to having guest and running friend Jude Ultra on the show soon. She's an amazing person and athlete and has run several ultra marathons and adventure races. We met at The Coastal Challenge in Costa Rica last year... she ran and I worked the event. Check out her blog:

Day 7 | Four Hour Marathon Training

In addition to training to running a four hour marathon, you to need to incorporate a balanced nutrition diet into your training schedule. Check out for more info

Day 5 | Four Hour Marathon Training

On a trip to San Francisco, I took some time to run around the city. It's nice to put a bit of adventure into your four hour marathon training.

Day 3 | Four Hour Marathon Training

Besides just running, to run a four hour marathon, you need to incorporate cross training. Check out Marathon Training for more tips.

Day 1 | Four Hour Marathon Training

It's 10:26 p.m. on Saturday night. Usually, I'm out with my future wife and our daughter at Applebees (yes... the bee... nothing fancy, just good food and beers). Ok, we'll maybe we're not out that late with our daughter... she's eight months old. C'mon.

Image by esbjorn2 on Flickr.
Back to my point. My sub 4 hr marathon. Yes, here I am. Turning 31 this week and am in the prime of my life. Have a beautiful family, fantastic career and well... life is just good.

But, as my sis Terri would say, I'm not a person who likes to just stay still in the same pond. I like to mix it up. I'm a fish so naturally, after a while of swimming in the same area, I like to start exploring other areas. My point? It's time to start running again.

For someone who never enjoyed running until he was 27 and even so only ran for a few years, it seems odd to say "I'm going back to running." It seems odd, that for something that completely took over my mornings, afternoons and half of my Saturday for long runs for two years... that, except for a impromptu half marathon in Seattle last year is the only running I've done since completing my second marathon with my brother in Phoenix in 2009.

Well, that's it. No sad stories, no motivational speeches, just me, a goal and a receipt for a fast pair of shoes that cost $89.

Ok... and one quote from a movie I just watched... well, it's the tagline, not a quote:

"Feel the Pain. Live the Dream. Share the Glory." Check out the movie "On the Edge" at the below link. It's worth it.

Finish First Marathon

Here's my website on all-things "Train for your first marathon..." - Finish First Marathon

Here's my Twitter (@gregdawson) account where you can learn more about me than you ever wanted to know.

Here's my YouTube (FFmarathon) account to check out some of my little vids about running.

Here's another one of my personal rambling blogs... ExperienceExperiment.

That's about it. Hope you enjoy!