Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rose Bak Pacific Rim One-Day Race Report


Make sure to stop by her page and leave her a comment! I also posted about it on my blog and you should share it as well!‪http://experienceexperiment.com/2011/03/23/pacific-rim-on...‬

"Pacific Rim One-Day Race Report
You may be wondering what it would feel like to run and walk 62.2 miles over 23 hours. I don't know how it feels for others, but the best way I can describe how it felt for me is this: imagine having all the blood drained out of your body, battery acid thrown on your feet and then someone running over you with a truck, backing up, and running over you again. Then imagine feeling ecstatically happy and proud, like it was one of the best things you've ever experienced. That's how I felt after completing the Pacific Rim 24-Hour Race."


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